Farming Equipment & Technology Fund (FETF) 2023 released - AS Communications (UK) Ltd.
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Farming Equipment & Technology Fund (FETF) 2023 released

Many of you have been waiting, more of you have been asking questions; when is the grant available and what will it contain? Wait no longer, let us run you through what we know to date and how our team can help you at Vantage ASC.

The grant looks to be very similar to previous releases, the main difference being; it is split into two categories:

  • Productivity & Slurry
  • Animal Health

Now forgive us, our services and technology relate a lot more to the Productivity and Slurry side of the scheme so that is what we will focus on below.



Electronic FETF Guide


Who can apply?

The scheme is open to Farmers, Horticulturists, Forestry owners and Contractors. Contractors are eligible when supply services to the previous 3 categories of applicant.

The scheme is available in England only, holding numbers are required during application.

How does it work?

  1. Identify products of interest outlined in the grant scheme guidance. Want to see what items are included, click here
  2. Confirm with Vantage ASC team your product configuration, eligibility and of course, lead time(s). Once you know what you want, we can prepare a competitive quotation
  3. Submit your online application through the online portal. click here for some guidance on the application process
  4. Receive your acceptance from the government body, you are now clear to order the items
  5. Order equipment with us at Vantage ASC and we will provide updated lead times and confirm order
  6. Receive your new equipment, have it installed and configured and begin to use it to its full potential
  7. We generate an invoice for the equipment with all grant relevant information
  8. You provide evidence to the grant body of your purchase including images, invoice and funds leaving your bank

Timeline of events

February 2023: Initial guidance has been released, application window due to open in coming weeks

February – October 2023: Make a submission / Receive approval / Supply & Installation / Invoice & Payment

October 23: Expected claim submission deadline (all items installed on farm and invoiced)

How are items weighted/ assessed

The grant looks at scores against each item and those scoring highly are more likely to be successful in funding. They also favour items which

  • Improve productivity
  • Have an environmental benefit
  • Have low adoption rates in the industry

What level of funding is available?

Often the most important bit, just how much can you claim against items which are eligible.

FETF #Item NameExpected average total (£)Grant Amount £Item Score
FETF28Flow rate monitoring of slurry4,2672,134 (50%)64
FETF49Measuring nitrogen levels in crops using light reflectance13,3506,675  (50%)70
FETF50Variable rate controller for seed drills, sprayers & fertiliser spreaders4,6251,850 (40%)63
FETF53Chrlorophyll meter433217 (50%)55
FETF213Remote soil moisture sensing411206 (50%)60
FETF46GPS light bar765306 (40%)60
FETF47Assisted steer system (retrofitted for older tractors)2,6281,051 (40%)57
FETF118Digital weather station1,438575 (40%)61

Remember, more than one category can be applied for at the same time. E.g. if you want a retrofit steering system you will require a steering motor (FETF47), a GPS light bar (FETF46) and a receiver (not included on grant).

What items can Vantage ASC provide?

We have something to suit all of the above categories, if any of these are of interest to you please contact us and one of the team will gladly look at your needs, matching them to the best suited solution. To give you a brief idea of the solutions available, please see below

FETF28 – A Krohne flow meter complete with ISOBUS ECU, GFX display and receiver would be our complete solution to meet this category. We have successfully installed these into the market and it is a gamechanger for record keeping and accurate application.

FETF49 – Trimble Greenseeker products are suitable for this, a retrofit system which works off chlorophyl levels in the crop to apply variable rate in real time. A custom solution for each implement/ machine type, savings are there to be had.

FETF50 – We have both Trimble FIeld IQ and Muller ISOBUS solutions to provide for this category, any liquid or granular applications can be tailored for and we can even upgrade land wheel drive drills to full Variable Rate electric drive on this category.

Read more about implement control

FETF53 – The tried and tested GreenSeeker handheld is your weapon of choice for this category. With funding there is no doubt this will pay off, simply click the trigger and get your reading immediately, now with Bluetooth functionality.

See GreenSeeker

FETF213- We have sensors available to us which meet these requirements, simply set up a network of sensors and get readings to your mobile device. Configurable to your system, contact us to get started.

FETF46– Of course we have items to suit, the Trimble GFX family of displays give you great choice of size and functionality to future proof any of your investment. Compatible with all makes and models

See Displays

FETF47- Make the most of any GPS and automate the steering of your applications, we have the EZ Steer and SAM 200 motors from Trimble which have been successfully funded in the past and steer thousands of vehicles worldwide

See Steering motors

FETF118 – You cannot change it but you can predict and record it, the weather station solution we provide from Spectrum Technologies more than tick the box. Get localised weather data and more to the palm of your hand or office PC.

See weather stations

What are the next steps?

Well you have already found the best supplier of advice and solutions when it comes to technology, the next thing is to get in touch with us and discuss your thoughts and requirements. Lets have a look at the equipment you have, what you are looking to achieve now and in the future, from this we can help you make the most of any investment and future proof your technology on farm.

Check out our online guide here, see what products look like and how they fit the categories: Electronic FETF Guide

Register your interest


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